Highlights from the Archive

Recognized by the Ministry of Culture of historical interest, the Viafarini archive contains 30,000 volumes of art and over 6,000 portfolios of Italian artists from the 1990s to today. In addition to these, the specialized library with monographs, catalogues, essays and periodicals, preserves the Giovanni Quadrio Curzio, Elena Introzzi, Stefano and Giorgio Galli funds.
Highlights from the Archive is a column designed to enhance the richness of this material, kept since 2008 at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, and which can be consulted for research and insights.

Giuseppe Mirigliano, Bālal, 2019

Highlights from the Archive

Recognized by the Ministry of Culture of historical interest, the Viafarini archive contains 30,000 volumes of art and over 6,000 portfolios of Italian artists from the 1990s to today. In addition to these, the specialized library with monographs, catalogues, essays and periodicals, preserves the Giovanni Quadrio Curzio, Elena Introzzi, Stefano and Giorgio Galli funds.
Highlights from the Archive is a column designed to enhance the richness of this material, kept since 2008 at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, and which can be consulted for research and insights.

by Andrea Dominici

Curated by Patrizia Brusarosco and Milovan Farronato, Souvenir d'Italie - A Nonprofit Art History, Mousse Publishing, 2010

Francesco Bertocco, Historia, Mousse Publishing, 2021

Growing Roots. 15 anni del Premio Furla, Mousse Publishing, 2015

Claudia Gould and Valerie Smith, 5000 Artists Return to Artists Space: 25 Years, Artists Space, 1998

X Quadriennale d'Arte. La ricerca estetica dal 1960 al 1970, De Luca Editore, Roma, 1973 (vol 1)

XI Quadriennale d’Arte, Fabbri Editori, Milano, 1986

XVI Quadriennale d’Arte. Altri miti altri tempi, Nero editore, Roma, 2016

XVII Quadriennale d’Arte. Fuori, Treccani Emporium, 2020

Marie-Claire Quiquemelle e Jean-Loup Passek (a cura di), Le Cinema Chinois, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1985

A cura di Hiroko Seki, Critical Quest Japan, 1994

Mousse #56: 2006-2016 A SMALL ANTHOLOGY, december 2016 - january 2017

Silvana Sinisi (curated by), Bestiario, 1981

Renato Barilli (curated by), AnniNovanta, Mondadori, 1991

documenta 5, documenta GmbH / C. Bertelsmann, Kassel, 1972

documenta 6, Paul Dierichs GmbH & Co KG, Kassel, 1977

documenta 7, two volumes, D + V Paul Dierichs GmbH & Co KG, Kassel, 1982

documenta 8, Weber & Weidemeyer GmbH & Co KG, Kassel, 1987

documenta 11, Hatje Cantz, Stuttgart, 2002

documenta 12, illustrated volume, Taschen, Cologne, 2007

documenta 13, The Book of Books, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, 2012

Parasite 2.0, Primitive Future Office, 2014

Germano Celant, The European Iceberg. Creativity in Germany and Italy Today, Mazzotta, 1985

Virgilio Sieni (curated by), Collana Il Gesto, Maschietto Editore, 2007-2021

Virgilio Sieni (curated by), Collana Il Gesto, Maschietto Editore, 2007-2021

Virgilio Sieni (curated by), Collana Il Gesto, Maschietto Editore, 2007-2021

Birgit Hoffmeister e Yorgos Tzirtxilakis, Greek Realities: A New Generation of Artists in Greece, Stiftung Neue Kultur, 1997

Chiara Miranda, Enrico Manera, Roberto Mastroianni (a cura di), SCENOGRAFIE COLONIALI – FIAT 633NM di Eleonora Roaro, Prinp editore, 2022

Alessandro Laita, Chiaralice Rizzi, LIVE IN THE HOUSE AND IT WILL NOT FALL DOWN, Mack books, 2016

curated by Irene Sofia Comi, Pressione Simpatica on paper, di Matteo Vettorello, 2020