Campus Itinerari Corvetto summer 2023

12 june - 7 july

Organizzato da in Via Marco d’Agrate 33 (Milano), zona Corvetto

Il Campus Itinerari Corvetto Natale è attivo dal 27 al 29 dicembre 2023 e dal 2 al 5 gennaio 2024, dalle 8.30 alle 13, prevede attività creative con artisti di comprovata esperienza educativa.

Il progetto è rivolto a bambini di età compresa tra i 6 e gli 11 anni.

Non ci sono costi, salvo la quota d'iscrizione di 15 euro.

Per Info e iscrizioni: / 02 66804473


Il progetto ha il sostegno di Fondazione Cariplo.

Sabato 14 gennaio 2023, ore 11.00, via Marco D’Agrate 33

Le artiste Rossana Baroni, Paola Gaggiotti, Liana Ghukasyan con Ester Galli e Amanda Spernicelli presentano i lavori sviluppati con i bambini durante il Campus di Natale a nel quartiere di Corvetto.

Dopo la prima esperienza di campus avviata nell'estate del 2022, prosegue con l'impegno a collaborare con artisti e professionisti in ambito educativo per offrire attività creative a bambine e bambini nel quartiere. La mostra di Campus Itinerari Corvetto presenta il frutto di un'esperienza ludico educativa, nella quale arte, cultura ed educazione si incontrano senza gerarchie.

Il progetto di Campus di trova nella mostra un'occasione conclusiva del campus natalizio e di anticipazione al prossimo campus estivo 2023, reso possibile grazie alle donazioni ottenute dalla campagna di crowdfunding civico del Comune di Milano.

Il progetto è realizzato con la collaborazione di ARTàMICACATForme Tentative e LaStrada.

Organized by in Via Marco d'Agrate 33 (Milan), Corvetto

The Corvetto Itineraries Campus, which is active for 4 weeks from 12 June to 7 July, from 8.30 to 16.30, provides guided tours departing from the headquarters to the museums of the neighborhood, educational experiences in nature and creative activities with proven artists experience (Rossana Baroni, Ester Galli, Liana Ghukasyan, Betsy Hernandez, Amanda Spernicelli, Ilaria Ungaro).

Examples of places that will be visited: Prada Foundation, Ica Foundation, Galleria Zero, TerraCò - ceramic laboratory, Chiaravalle Abbey, MAF Acqua Franca del Puratore Museum, Agroforest in the Vettabbia park, Adotta una gallina. Furthermore, every day we will spend time in the green areas in the surrounding area.

The project is organized in collaboration with organizations operating on Corvetto such as Soulfood Forestfarm, Cooperativa La Strada, ARTàMICA, as well as with the Qubì project.

There will be a division into two groups based on age groups (6-10 years and 11-14 years). The younger group will be present from 8.30 to 16.30, the older group from 8.30 to 13.30.
There are no costs, except for the 15 euro subscription per week.

The project has the support of the PON METRO Municipality of Milan and the Cariplo Foundation.

The exhibition

Friday 7 July, 4.00 pm, via Marco D'Agrate 33, Milan

At the conclusion of Campus Itinerari Corvetto, Viafarini organizes the exhibition following the workshops carried out by the children with the artists / educators Rossana Baroni, Anna Bassi, Leonardo Castiglioni, Maddalena Ferrato, Ester Galli, Liana Ghukasyan, Fabiana Lanza, Amanda Spernicelli, Ilaria Ungaro. continues with the commitment to collaborate with artists and professionals in the educational field to offer creative activities to girls and boys in the neighborhood. The Campus Itinerari Corvetto exhibition presents the result of a playful educational experience, in which art, culture and education meet without hierarchies, created with the collaboration of Comunità Sant'Egidio, QuBì Lodi-Corvetto, Spazio Living Together, Soulfood Forestfarms, Cooperativa LaStrada, TerraCò.

Campus Itinerari Corvetto project was made possible thanks to the Civic Crowdfunding of the Municipality of Milan 2022 and was created with the support of Fondazione Cariplo.

Visit the exhibitions and create your own book at the Fabbrica del Vapore

Saturday 27 May 2023
from 15.00 to 17.00
via Procaccini 4

Learn the art and... put it into practice immediately! Immerse yourself in the enchanting Amazon forest while staying in Milan, thanks to the powerful photographs of Sebastião Salgado on display at the Steam Factory.
And after the visit, express all your creativity by creating an original booklet inspired by nature, with the guidance of the artist Anna Bassi.

Soulfood Forestfarms Hub Italia is a non-profit organization that takes care of sociocultural projects with a focus on local development. The organization is led by an interdisciplinary team of professionals and experts and is intertwined with a dense network of local partners in the Municipality of Milan, collaborators, volunteer members and international partners. Its founders have skills rooted in the Milan area in environmental and cultural planning.

Rossana Baroni is a photographer who is also active in the social sphere, she firmly believes in community projects. It is engaged in the regeneration and redevelopment of the territory, organizing the Di Studio in Studio event south of the Scalo Romana, a walk through the artistic spaces in the area between Scalo Romana and Porto di Mare.

Liana Ghukasyan is an established artist of Armenian origin, born in Germany, but lives and works in Milan, where she is also involved in educational activities.

Betsy Hernandez is a ceramist and sculptor, President of the TerraCò association, a reality dedicated to teaching the working of ceramics and a place to meet and share artistic knowledge and experiences.

Amanda Spernicelli, educator expert in educational and creative workshops, involves children of various ages, especially in the theatrical field.

Ilaria Ungaro deals with education, specifically the fight against educational poverty and early school leaving. He works in multicultural and dynamic environments, organizing projects both independently and in collaboration with other associations.

Campus Itinerari Corvetto summer 2023

12 june - 7 july

Organizzato da in Via Marco d’Agrate 33 (Milano), zona Corvetto

Il Campus Itinerari Corvetto Natale è attivo dal 27 al 29 dicembre 2023 e dal 2 al 5 gennaio 2024, dalle 8.30 alle 13, prevede attività creative con artisti di comprovata esperienza educativa.

Il progetto è rivolto a bambini di età compresa tra i 6 e gli 11 anni.

Non ci sono costi, salvo la quota d'iscrizione di 15 euro.

Per Info e iscrizioni: / 02 66804473


Il progetto ha il sostegno di Fondazione Cariplo.

Sabato 14 gennaio 2023, ore 11.00, via Marco D’Agrate 33

Le artiste Rossana Baroni, Paola Gaggiotti, Liana Ghukasyan con Ester Galli e Amanda Spernicelli presentano i lavori sviluppati con i bambini durante il Campus di Natale a nel quartiere di Corvetto.

Dopo la prima esperienza di campus avviata nell'estate del 2022, prosegue con l'impegno a collaborare con artisti e professionisti in ambito educativo per offrire attività creative a bambine e bambini nel quartiere. La mostra di Campus Itinerari Corvetto presenta il frutto di un'esperienza ludico educativa, nella quale arte, cultura ed educazione si incontrano senza gerarchie.

Il progetto di Campus di trova nella mostra un'occasione conclusiva del campus natalizio e di anticipazione al prossimo campus estivo 2023, reso possibile grazie alle donazioni ottenute dalla campagna di crowdfunding civico del Comune di Milano.

Il progetto è realizzato con la collaborazione di ARTàMICACATForme Tentative e LaStrada.

Organized by in Via Marco d'Agrate 33 (Milan), Corvetto

The Corvetto Itineraries Campus, which is active for 4 weeks from 12 June to 7 July, from 8.30 to 16.30, provides guided tours departing from the headquarters to the museums of the neighborhood, educational experiences in nature and creative activities with proven artists experience (Rossana Baroni, Ester Galli, Liana Ghukasyan, Betsy Hernandez, Amanda Spernicelli, Ilaria Ungaro).

Examples of places that will be visited: Prada Foundation, Ica Foundation, Galleria Zero, TerraCò - ceramic laboratory, Chiaravalle Abbey, MAF Acqua Franca del Puratore Museum, Agroforest in the Vettabbia park, Adotta una gallina. Furthermore, every day we will spend time in the green areas in the surrounding area.

The project is organized in collaboration with organizations operating on Corvetto such as Soulfood Forestfarm, Cooperativa La Strada, ARTàMICA, as well as with the Qubì project.

There will be a division into two groups based on age groups (6-10 years and 11-14 years). The younger group will be present from 8.30 to 16.30, the older group from 8.30 to 13.30.
There are no costs, except for the 15 euro subscription per week.

The project has the support of the PON METRO Municipality of Milan and the Cariplo Foundation.

The exhibition

Friday 7 July, 4.00 pm, via Marco D'Agrate 33, Milan

At the conclusion of Campus Itinerari Corvetto, Viafarini organizes the exhibition following the workshops carried out by the children with the artists / educators Rossana Baroni, Anna Bassi, Leonardo Castiglioni, Maddalena Ferrato, Ester Galli, Liana Ghukasyan, Fabiana Lanza, Amanda Spernicelli, Ilaria Ungaro. continues with the commitment to collaborate with artists and professionals in the educational field to offer creative activities to girls and boys in the neighborhood. The Campus Itinerari Corvetto exhibition presents the result of a playful educational experience, in which art, culture and education meet without hierarchies, created with the collaboration of Comunità Sant'Egidio, QuBì Lodi-Corvetto, Spazio Living Together, Soulfood Forestfarms, Cooperativa LaStrada, TerraCò.

Campus Itinerari Corvetto project was made possible thanks to the Civic Crowdfunding of the Municipality of Milan 2022 and was created with the support of Fondazione Cariplo.

Visit the exhibitions and create your own book at the Fabbrica del Vapore

Saturday 27 May 2023
from 15.00 to 17.00
via Procaccini 4

Learn the art and... put it into practice immediately! Immerse yourself in the enchanting Amazon forest while staying in Milan, thanks to the powerful photographs of Sebastião Salgado on display at the Steam Factory.
And after the visit, express all your creativity by creating an original booklet inspired by nature, with the guidance of the artist Anna Bassi.

Soulfood Forestfarms Hub Italia is a non-profit organization that takes care of sociocultural projects with a focus on local development. The organization is led by an interdisciplinary team of professionals and experts and is intertwined with a dense network of local partners in the Municipality of Milan, collaborators, volunteer members and international partners. Its founders have skills rooted in the Milan area in environmental and cultural planning.

Rossana Baroni is a photographer who is also active in the social sphere, she firmly believes in community projects. It is engaged in the regeneration and redevelopment of the territory, organizing the Di Studio in Studio event south of the Scalo Romana, a walk through the artistic spaces in the area between Scalo Romana and Porto di Mare.

Liana Ghukasyan is an established artist of Armenian origin, born in Germany, but lives and works in Milan, where she is also involved in educational activities.

Betsy Hernandez is a ceramist and sculptor, President of the TerraCò association, a reality dedicated to teaching the working of ceramics and a place to meet and share artistic knowledge and experiences.

Amanda Spernicelli, educator expert in educational and creative workshops, involves children of various ages, especially in the theatrical field.

Ilaria Ungaro deals with education, specifically the fight against educational poverty and early school leaving. He works in multicultural and dynamic environments, organizing projects both independently and in collaboration with other associations.

Campus Itinerari Corvetto Estate 2023

Campus Itinerari Corvetto Natale 2022

Mosta Natale 2022

Photo of the exhibition

Photo of the exhibition

Photo of the exhibition

Photo of the exhibition

Campus Itinerari Corvetto

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Photo of the exhibition

Photo of the exhibition

Photo of the exhibition

Photo of the exhibition

Photo of the exhibition

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Campus presentation workshop 

Campus presentation workshop 

Campus presentation workshop 

Campus presentation workshop 

Campus presentation workshop 

Agroforest visit with Soulfood Forestfarms

Play at the park

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Play at the park

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Agroforest visit with Soulfood Forestfarms

Agroforest visit with Soulfood Forestfarms

Agroforest visit with Soulfood Forestfarms

Agroforest visit with Soulfood Forestfarms

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Visit at Cascina Nocetum

Agroforest visit with Soulfood Forestfarms

Visit at Fondazione Prada

Visit at Fondazione Prada

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Pottery workshop with TerraCò

Visit at Fondazione ICA

Visit at Fondazione ICA

Visit at Fondazione ICA

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at 

Art workshop at